Waffle's Affection Deficient Asylum

(texttttt) before we proceed please look at this cat below:

As you can see this is actually a dog. Now let's go down a trip of my mental breakdown as I slowly realize I was fucking pranked and trolled into learning the most basic of HTML (fuck you binzi firechicken whatever)

I was fucking lied to

if your name is Firechicken please read this

  1. I know your face
  2. I don't know where you live
  3. But I will soon
  4. Just you fucking wait i will pee on you while you sleep
  5. and I will attach to you fake chest pads with hot glue
  6. your life will forever be changed

there was no drag and drop

this looks simple enough

until its fucking not
someone save me from this fucking hell

I want to be loved y'all please. If you're passing by please give me lots of love and affection I need headpats every single day onegai shimaiplease. Also heres my caard link I don't know how to fucking code please save me I want to be loved please: This is my caard link its prettier

My mental state deterioration aside

Here's where you can find me!

Are you fucking happy firechicken, arE YOU HAPPY NOW???

I hate this site